Friday, December 2, 2011

Tea for Two

It's December.  Everyone is flipping out that it's December and everyone is sick.  It's making me a walking anxiety attack.  So besides from washing the shit out of your hands and putting an air purifier in your office (true story I did that), "they" say that you should be drinking a lot of fluids.  I totally agree but also think that you might as well spruce up your fluids with some health benefits.  Some people think a hot cup of tea can prevent sickness. Do I agree...not really.  BUT I do think tea helps and it tastes good AND there are other great qualities tea brings to the table.  I'm not going to go into them here but take a look at the health effects of tea.

Not all of us have the time or patience to go get loose leaf tea and get all of the utensils needed to make it. Although, if you do, the tea is freakin' awesome and you can find the stuff to make it at Teavana.  If you don't know what you want or need go to one of their stores and an expert will help you.

So below is my top list of grocery store teas. At the grocery store there are usually two tea areas, one near the coffee and another in the health food section.  I have nothing against generic tea but it's like eating two gummy bears in the morning instead of gummy vitamins (that was a horrible example but you get the picture).  So, walk yourself over to the health food section and pick up one of my favorites below:

1. Yogi Tea.  Check out their tea finder so you can find the perfect tea for your mood/ailment.
2. A Mighty Leaf. You want the tea pouches.  This site also has a tea finder.
3. Traditional Medicinals. This stuff is organic so that's cool. Also the purpose of the tea is on the box so you can just go straight to the store and pick what's best.
We used to have this kettle growing up. It whistles!
When all else fails, go for any Celestial Seasonings tea.  They're all pretty good.


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