Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Farm Burger

Hello why did it take me so long to go here? I just don't understand. How did not one of my friends drag me down to Decatur (and now Buckhead) to eat one of the more delicious veggie burgers I've had in Atlanta. Local produce, grass fed beef, composting?!?!? Yes please.

While I do love my Yeah! Burger cobb salad, their veggie burger needs a little help.  Farm Burger, on the other hand has a kick a$$ veggie burger and from what it looked like, an amazing regular grass fed burger (my hot date/bf had finished it all before I got a chance to even ask for a bite! Thanks a lot!).  I bet you're wondering what the big deal is with this grass fed stuff.  Well, readers (all 20 of you, thanks mom for forwarding to your list serve) a cows stomach is meant to digest grass, not corn and grain like most beef shops. When cows walk around and eat grass, not only are the raised in a humane way (moooooo) they don't over-eat and they're not being force fed with hormones, the absence of these things inevitably makes the beef healthier with higher concentrates of beta carotene and Omega-3's all of which help reduce cholesterol, diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure.

Now to the veggie burger.  It's no secret that I heart quinoa and that is the base of this burger, along with some awesome chopped carrots and other veggies.  Needless to say, it was a smashing hit. Also, they have a chalkboard of seasonal fresh local veggies that I'm sure you can ask to get added on.

My Order:
- Veggie burger with lettuce, tomato and Swiss - sauce on the side



  1. i have enough crazy hormones already and don't need additional cow and chicken hormones from my meat, cheese and milk! i go grass fed/free range whenever I can (i don't do veggie burgers...sorry, i can't give up the good/bad stuff). thanks for the information!

    1. Aint that the truth! You should definitely check this place out it's delish! They have a great beer list too!
