Monday, January 9, 2012

My Favorite Tips from Dr. Oz

It ain't no lie, I love Dr. Oz. He explains health issues so they make sense to lil' ole me and he lives a super healthy lifestyle.  I don't know what it is about him...he's like my cool uncle that I trust to give me sound advice (and sneak me wheat grass shots under the table). I wanted to share some of my favorite tips from him with you all.  I figured right about now everyone is struggling with their weight loss New Years resolutions (I know I am) and need a few pick-me-up's to get back on track. Here goes the best one is at the bottom...

I heart Dr. Oz
#10: Plan your meals ahead of time. That way you're less likely to make an unhealthy last-minute food choices.

#9: Check your poop. Ha, poop. It's no laughing matter. If your poop isn't brown and you may be super sick, unless you ate some beets. 

#8: Skipping meals can cause your body to go into a fat-storing starvation mode (yikes), making it harder to burn calories.

#7: Slow the hell down.  I'm guilty of this but slow your roll when you're eating.  You will get fuller faster and wont eat as much.

#6: Try distancing yourself from negative vibes/people by observing them without judgment when they occur and just walk away. Peace, man.

#5: Floss your teeth.  This is from the Dr. but I originally got this advice from one of my greatest friends. She said to me "Be true to your teeth or they will be false to you!" She was 87 years young and still had ALL of her real teeth.  Miss you Pearly.

#4: Stretch. Even if you didn't exercise that day.  It will help your posture and just get your blood flowing in the AM to wake you up for a productive day. 

#3: Ok so this isn't Dr. Oz's but it's mine.  Get OFF WebMD and stop self-diagnosing.  I convinced myself I had a brain eating amoeba from my neti pot just because I had a fever. If you think you're dying, go to the ER. Good lord.

#2: Talk to your friends, family or a shrink. When you face life's stresses by yourself, you make yourself older through anxiety and that can actually physically hurt your body. You can reduce your aging by having a chat over a glass of wine with a friend (make it red and you will get a double dose of goodness).

#1: Replace an occasional dinner with some good ole fashioned knockin' tha boots (that's right, I just said that). Healthy sex may help you control the amount of food you BOTH eat and it's great exercise, among other things. Ahem - get your mind out of the gutter!

You can check out his show's site here or follow him on Twitter.


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