Thursday, May 31, 2012

Date Night In

It's summer. It's hot. I take 2 hours to get ready for a date and the second I walk outside my hair frizzes up, my makeup starts to melt, it's not pretty and it's not even June! WTF! So I had an idea (get pumped), what if I created a date night dinner in.  Sounds genius right? We could cook a healthy and delicious meal together, no rush, no one has to drive home so you can drink as much as you want and you don't have to tip (unless the cook is really good, ahem). Get your mind out of the gutter, I meant tip with a yummy desert!

So, if you can get your boyfriend/friend/husband/wife/partner/lover to actually cook with you, it makes the night less stressful and not like every other night of cooking.  If they're not going to participate you'll end up busy and stressed out and it kinda defeats the purpose of a relaxing night in and interferes with you getting bizzay (if you know what I mean - I'm cracking myself up over here).

Besides from the company, my favorite part about this is that I get to control what I eat (plus we sat outside which was nice minus the killer ninja Atlanta mosquitos that were attacking my legs and ankles - little fuckers).
The menu:
- Fish Taco's with ColeSlaw on Whole Wheat Tortillas
- Super Healthy Brown Spanish Rice
- Sauteed Green Beans
- Zoe's "Homemade" Guacamole
- Skinny Peaches!
- Start with the rice cause it takes the longest.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup long grain brown rice (the kinda you actually have to cook for a while)
1 chopped onion
1 red bell pepper, chopped
2 cups low sodium chicken broth
1 cup tomato paste
1 tbs diced garlic
- chop up online and pepper and saute until soft in olive oil add the garlic for a second.  Then add the rice and brown it for a little (4 -5 minutes).  Add everything else - cover and simmer for 40 - 50 minutes. If after 40 minutes it's still a little watery, simmer without the cover on.

- Salt, Pepper, Dash of Low-Sodium Taco Seasoning and olive oil on fish - grill.
- For the coleslaw I boiled some corn. Cut it off into a bowl of cabbage mix. Added a little 0% fat Fage Yogurt and a splash of lime juice and called it a day.

- SOME people may laugh at this "recipe" (you know who you are) :) but really it's just delicious. Mash up some ripe avocado and mix in some Jack's Special Mild Salsa and TA DA!
And that's it! Happy date night! P.s. No kissing on the first date...unless the food is REALLY good.


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