Friday, May 11, 2012

I Heart Nike

It started at a young age, when my parents made me sign up for summer soccer camp at William & Mary college.  Defying all current 1989 fashion trends I went with Nike soccer shorts vs umbros (always an individual).  A true fan was born.  I have been a Nike supporter ever since.  The thing was, up until recently, I only was buying clothes & shoes (p.s. they have the best workout pants I know of, take a look!) and so I was hesitant to try out their Nike Training Club workout mobile App.  Needless to say, they succeeded again (gawd they’re good)!  I figured I’d test it out and see if it could combat my gym boredom - the answer: YES!  This is the best workout app on the market right now if I do say so myself, and it's FREE!  You pay zero dollars to be sore for at least 2 days (if you do the advanced workouts for 45 minutes). That’s at least $50 bucks in savings that you WONT have to use on a trainer. You are welcome, that means more money into your Whole Foods budget :)

Check it out…download the app, select your workout and then select the music you want to hear from your VERY OWN ipod! Plus, you get healthy recipe and celebrity workout rewards the more minutes you log…GENUIS!

I’m a big fan of the “Get Toned” option for Advanced called: True Condition.  I also take a look at all of the workout sections before so I know what I’m doing, oh yeah, they have VIDEO to help you along with this really nice lady that tells you when to switch workouts and that you should, “Keep up the good work!”

Here are a few screenshots of the workout and the reward!


1 comment:

  1. I am going to try this. I need a jump start. Thanks! Michelle
