Wednesday, September 7, 2011

H.I.I.T. Me Baby One More Time

After a weekend of boozing and not eating like a Skinny Peach at all. I needed to do something that was going to burn some fat, fast.  I was talking to a friend who has seen great results with her personal trainer said that if you aren't going to give up alcohol or sweets (which I cannot even imagine doing) the only way to get rid of your gut is through sprint training. So I figured I'd give it a try.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is when you bust your butt for short bursts and then do something light during a "recovery" period.  An example would be, sprint for 30 seconds and then run lightly for a minute. Rinse and repeat. 

So does this really work?  I freakin' hope so.  Everyone I've talked to has said it's awesome (so I kinda wish I would have known about it pre-bikini season but whatever).  Basically, from what I understand, steady cardio uses a different set of muscle fibers then high intensity training does.  To use those different fibers your body needs extra energy. And your body gets the extra energy it takes to use these different fibers from stored fat (i.e. your gut). Genius that body of yours!

So, I'm going to try this out today and let you know how it goes.  Here's my plan:

20 minutes total - Treadmill
3 minutes: Warm up Jog 5.5mph

30 seconds: Sprint 8 mph (or faster, I just have short legs so 8mph is a sprint for me)
1 minute: Jog 5.5mph
(do this 8 times = 12 minutes)

5 minutes: Cool Down Jog 5mph

One thing to note.  I've been a runner for a while so I'm starting myself off at an intermediate level. If you aren't a runner or active start off with 6 minutes of interval training and the same warm up and cool down.  You don't wanna hurt yourself.

I found this youtube video from Fox Fitness in Knoxville (GoVols). She's not sprinting super fast but it's a good example of a beginners HIIT Treadmill workout.


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