Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lighten Up Your Labor Day

Ah 3 day weekends.  Sit back, relax, have a cold beer, fat out on some salty BBQ and drink a delicious sugary margarita...oh wait, that last part doesn’t sound so awesome, especially if you're going to be throwing on a bikini at some point.  Yikes! 

So, below is a list of things NOT to eat at the pool or beach so you can stay looking like a skinny peach (and no, I didn't mean to rhyme but it does sound good eh?)! And also some other options to beat the bloat.

What NOT to eat:
- Gassy foods. Especially Broccoli, Carrots and Brussels Sprouts
- Gum. It makes you swallow air which makes you bloaty.  Stick with a mint.
- Salty foods. Doesn't cause gas but does cause your body to retain water.
- Apples and Pears
- Beans. The more you eat the more you...
- Sugary drinks. Including Margaritas.
What you SHOULD eat:
- Water.  The more hydrated you are the better your organs work.  
- If you're going to drink try Skinny Margaritas. White Wine. Skinny Peaches. Light Beer
- Grilled shrimp, chicken or fish
- Papaya, watermelon, oranges
- Asparagus and cucumber


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