Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Run Atlanta, Run!

I’ve tried a lot of fitness classes in Atlanta but nothing gives me more exercise satisfaction than running.  Maybe it’s a runners high but after a good romp around my favorite Piedmont Park route, I feel energized for the rest of the day.  Depending on how much time I have, I usually run one of two loops (see below for routes).  During the summer there are a couple precautions you need to take if you’re going to run in the heat.

Make sure to hydrate, obvi.  I think a lot of peeps don’t realize what this really means.  You should be drinking 8 classes of water a day.  After you run make sure to rehydrate or you’re going to get a major migraine. Wear a hat! Not only does this protect your head from sunburn but it stops the sweat from burning your eyes out. Finally, wear sunscreen – cancer sucks.

The only problem I sometimes have with running is that occasionally, if I’m not paying particular attention to my form, haven’t stretched right or long enough or haven’t been strength training, my knees start to hurt around mile three. There are a couple things you can do to prevent that.  One of my besties, Haley Wilensky is a physical therapist and she helped me fix this problem when I was training for my first and second triathlons.  Here are a couple things that Haley told me to do to prevent and treat knee pain and injury.

1. Stretch! Holding a LIGHT stretch for a long period of time is the way to effectively stretch a muscle. Haley tells people holding it for 30 seconds, 3 times for each stretch is the minimal amount of time needed for a lasting stretch.  My favorite is the IT Band stretch (but if you do it in public it kinda looks like you’re farting so be careful).
IT Band Stretch
2. Strengthen! The muscles surrounding the knee are not actually being strengthened during running. It is importance to strengthen in addition to running.  The most common weaknesses for runners are the glutes and hip abductors.

3. Select the right running shoe (and if your old ones look worn, they're most likely not providing you the support you need)! Check out Phidippides or the Big Peach Running Co.

Need Haley's help? To make an appointment, or if you have have a prescription for physical therapy from your doctor, call (404) 874-3467.

I also did a little online research about running form.  I've noticed that because of my 5 or so years of ballet classes I sometimes run with my feet in second position (out).  This is also effecting my knees so I've been making a conscious effort to run with my feet pointing in the direction I want to be going and it has helped a LOT!

My favorite Piedmont Park Runs:
3.5 Miles - View Bigger Map

5 Miles - View Bigger Map


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