Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Urban pL8

I've been to Urban pL8 a bunch of times and love it.  The hummus is awesome and I can't help but get the stir-fry brown rice and veggies as a main every time I go. They have an interesting menu with fresh local produce and a lot of vegetarian options. 

For this particular visit, they served a prix fix menu paleo style.  The Paleo Diet is a big trend right now and basically you're supposed to eat the type of food that a person ate during the paleolithic era (i.e. 500 generations ago).  Foods include fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats and seafood.  Refined sugars, dairy and grains are out. That's obviously the abbreviated version so Google it if you want more info.

My honest opinion (remember I'm not a doctor, just an eater) is that it seems like this diet is a new version of a no-carb, no-dairy diet. I'm not knocking this diet at all as it encourages healthy eating which I think is great. The only thing that wouldn't work for me is that, sometimes when I go on endurance runs or want to "carb-up" before a triathlon, I want whole wheat pasta.  And occasionally, I want a veggie burger on a whole wheat bun. But again, that's just me.

The Menu (with my comments below):
- New Orleans Style Peel 'n eat Shrimp - not bad but DEFINITELY not Nola style.
(I forgot to take a picture of this one)
Tomato, Peach & Basil Salad with Citrus Vinaigrette - YUM!

Greek Marinated Chicken and Vegetable Kabobs with Broccoli - YUM!
Paleo Chocolate Pudding with Strawberries and Whipped Coconut - EH, Would have rather had Yoforia :)

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