Sunday, August 7, 2011

I Juiced and I Liked It

Well, kinda.  I think I ordered wrong.  But I figured since Nicole Richie and Gwyneth Paltrow are drinking these raw veggie drinks and the fact that I love raw veggies anyway, that I should at least give it a try.  So I went to the juice counter at Whole Foods and got my custom made juice.  Celery base with spinach, chard and pear.  It was actually pretty good.  The only thing I would change for next time is the celery.  It was a little overwhelming.  But that being said, it was gone by the time I got home and I only live about a half a mile from the store.

A few of the many health benefits of what I ordered...
The stuff in my juice concoction aids in digestion, prevents constipation (ewww), and has anti-cancer properties. There are a ton of antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and zinc that combat osteoporosis and high blood pressure. Besides from the rockin' benefits above this drink also helps with vision, immunity and will give you healthier skin through vitamin K. Woah that's a lot of good stuff.

Best of all, it's much easier to drink 16oz of veggies vs. trying to eat them all. 
My suggestion - try it out!  It can't hurt.


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