Thursday, August 4, 2011

Workday Breakfast II

As "they" say, "breakfast is the most important meal" and I agree with "them."  If you skip breakfast because you think it will help you shed some lbs, you done made the wrong decision. 

By skipping breakfast you are more likely to over eat over the course of the day. Your body isn't sure when you will get your next meal so it stores more fat AND your metabolism doesn't get started until later and you really don't want that, trust me.

That's why eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast is so important.  If you haven't heard of steel cut oats, you're welcome for the info. Steel cut oats are better than instant oats for two main reasons, they have more cholesterol lowering fiber and they take longer to digest so you stay full for longer.  Usually these oats take around 20-30 minutes to make which is pretty far fetched for a workday. But Trader Joe's makes it way easier by introducing already made, frozen steel cut oats. Pop 'em in the microwave and 4 minutes later you have an amazing breakfast. For even more healthy goodness add a pinch of cinnamon, a teaspoon of all natural peanut butter and blueberries!
I own too many coffee mugs.
Nutrition Facts: 150 cal, 2.5g fat, 7g sugar, 5g protein

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