Sunday, June 19, 2011

Non-Bootcamp Bootcamp

 Does the image below make you nervous? If so, please continue reading!
I feel pretty confident saying I'm not the only one that hits the gym hard when I know I have a pool or lake trip planned.  It seems as though the best option would be bootcamp but I'm not such a big fan. I'm not knocking it at all, I've tried a few in the park and it's just not for me. Let me explain...I don't like when people yell at me when I'm working out. I usually don't even like positive reinforcement because I like to motivate myself with thoughts of me in a bikini (gasp) or hard core rap music (word).

So when I tell you all about this, keep in mind, it's not your normal bootcamp, it's SO much better!

Who: Anyone that wants to look and feel fit and active. Instructors James and Amber are both awesome local personal trainers.  I take a bootcamp class with James at Urban Body Fitness and although I thoroughly dislike him during the class, I thank him repeatedly when I go to the pool.

What: Tough Love FIT(Functional Intense Training).  This isn't just push ups and crunches.  The instructors focus on body sculpting and endurance.

Where: John Howell Park on Virginia Avenue in the Highlands.

When: 4 classes a week (1 hour). Classes Start July 1.
- Mondays 6:30pm
- Tuesdays 5:45am
- Thursdays 5:45am AND 6:30pm

1 session: $35
4 sessions/month: $120/month
8 sessions/month: $230/month
Unlimited Sessions: $300/month

Why: ummm duh. Remember the picture above?  I'll pass on the anxiety attack.

To register just email:


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