Thursday, June 2, 2011

Welcome all you Skinny Peaches!

It's official, my first blog post (do most bloggers start out with that same line?).  After a year or two of consistently googling "healthy restaurants Atlanta" or "cool fitness classes Atlanta" and getting the same results over and over again I finally decided on two things. One, that I am definitely not the only gal in Atlanta searching for these things. Two, I could do something about it. So here I am, welcoming you to my Blog, Skinny Peaches.

Each week you'll find one of a few things:
- Healthy local restaurants
- Healthy ordering options at not so healthy local restaurants
- Fitness classes in the area I have tried and loved (or love/hated)
- Outdoor activities around Atlanta
- The occasional healthy recipe
- The occasional healthi-er cocktail recipe
- Healthy living tips
- Maybe even a guest blogger here and there (ohhh the suspense).

Just because you want to be a healthy person doesn't mean you have to skip dinner with the girls or workout like a crazy person 3 hours a day!  This blog will give you tips and trends to live a healthy lifestyle both physically and emotionally (while still being able to occasionally indulge in a bowl of Taqueria del Sol queso).

Note: I’m not a doctor, nurse or certified at anything (except CPR when I was 19). I have done every diet/workout book that I can think of. From Skinny Bitch, Weight Watchers and South Beach, to workouts by Jillian Michaels and training for a triathalon. I am just relaying to you some of the takeaways I've learned from these experiences as well as what has worked for me and what makes me feel good about myself and my life.

Stay tuned for more!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the blog - can I follow if i dont eat healthy or live in Atlanta? I have been called a crazy person, but that had nothing to do with exercise.... Looking forward to the next post.
